Monday, 9 May 2011

Amelia's Compendium of Fashion Illustration Book Tour!

Previously as I try to search in vain for British street parties, I was slightly disappointed at the lack of them in my community. Or it could be the fact its all hidden away, and only invites only??

However, one thing I am invited to, and I am delighted to take part in 'Five of the Best' in Amelia's Compendium of Fashion Illustration Book Tour! Which starts in Convent Garden with Tatty Devine on Tuesday 10th, 6pm-10pm. I will be there with lovely fellow illustrators Jo Cheung and Gemma Millie, chatting, merriment and doing some live drawing!

The book tour will travel around Edinburgh, Brighton, Oxford, Bristol and back to London again. 

There's more information and you can book your place here.

Also I was super chuffed to see a feature about me on Grafik Magazine website! It is a really sweet write up and perfectly describes the way I work. Better than I can describe myself at times, so I can thank Amelia enough.  Check it out!

It seems to be an exciting night and come by if you can. 
Regardless, will keep you posted. xx 

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