Hullo! How are you today?
After what I deemed a 'short interlude' from illustration, I have been working on illustrating a band, "Little Death" at the Stag and Dagger Event for Amelia's Magazine. Check out the full article here. Also includes illustrations from Kevin Bradshaw and Abigail Daker, who recently collaborated with Jo Cheung on website background for Amelia's Website. Looks so pretty no? Their music is pretty cool, quite a contemporary sound with a psychedelic tint. Check out their sound here.
Quite pleased with the results, especially last minute background colour change. Brought some new paints, Lime greens, Brilliant blues, wanted to try my tools out hehe.
I'm going to change the blog layout, been meaning to do so for a while. Change the heading, etc. Got a lot of wish list 'To dos' but it'll be so worth it! Please bear with me :)